Scrap a Day, May 2nd

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Re: Scrap a Day, May 2nd

Post by SandyJay »

trainmom wrote:
Thu May 02, 2024 9:06 am
I also need to get a before picture of my scrap room, but mostly I need to get my tomatoes and flowers planted today and laundry done so I'll have no distractions tomorrow. I have a sprinkler guy coming today, we want to get the sprinkler system changed a bit so it waters both rose bushes. 
Then we are going to the Sixers playoff game tonight. It's a big game with a lot of media hype, but will be the end of their season if they don't win. Unfortunately the game starts at 9pm which is really late for me, usually the games start at 7 or 7:30. I will be having a light dinner with lots of coffee before the game. I have no idea why the TV people decided 2 east coast teams need to play at 9pm.

Have a great day everyone and looking forward to tomorrow.

Oh - and I will be posting the rules for my progressive challenge in a few hours and then step 1 later in the day. I hope everyone plays along.

Sounds like a very full day!  You will have to let us know if you are able to stay awake for the game! 
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Re: Scrap a Day, May 2nd

Post by SandyJay »

VickiR wrote:
Thu May 02, 2024 9:12 am
Finishing up some last minute details for NSD and then working outside today in my flower beds.  Have a good day everyone!

I can’t wait to get out and dig!  It is a gorgeous day here!  Enjoy! 
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Re: Scrap a Day, May 2nd

Post by SandyJay »

emmapaige wrote:
Thu May 02, 2024 10:33 am
My last day to have a lazy morning so I’m taking advantage of it. I’ve taken my shower and that’s been it so far. I want to make ice tea for the weekend. And I want to finish the Cherry Design Team YouTube hop. I’m not sure if a new sketch will be posted today but if there is, I want to do that this afternoon. 

I like your priorities, Chris!  I have to bop over there too.  I get a lot of inspiration from the YouTube Hop, and it just might be perfect to do before the party starts!  
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Re: Scrap a Day, May 2nd

Post by SandyJay »

blbabe1234 wrote:
Thu May 02, 2024 10:34 am
Good morning cherries! Yesterday was a great day. Work was quiet so I got a lot of work done despite having to stop at 4:30 to get ready for Draven's Kinder Graduation. DH got off of work early too and we got there a little after 5pm. We sat with my brother, SIL and the kiddos. We were in and out before 6:30. Luckily they broke up the ceremony into 3 separate evenings. A total of 12 Kinder classes for the year! So they did 4 on Monday, 4 on Tuesday and the last 4 yesterday. The littles did really good with sitting there. Jasper was getting into the applauding and would clap when he saw a kiddo walk across the stage. Wes did great too and only clapped when it was Draven's classmates. Anton did pretty good too, considering he's not even 1 yet.


Afterwards, we all went out to a local BBQ restraunt, then home to relax.

I've already washed towels, made up the grocery list and finalized our meals for the week and been working for a bit already. Skipped my walk and did yoga instead because I had an "incident" yesterday afternoon. 30 mins before we left for Draven's grad. ceremony. I accidentally stepped on one of the girls' chewing hoof and OMFG that hurt like a mother %&*@#$. Wow, worse than a lego or a micro toy. I iced it before we left and put a bandage on so my sandals wouldn't irritate it. Took an aleve last night to help me relax and yeah.....need to be extra careful. It's in the middle of my foot too, so it's not completely bad as I've got a nice arch. I think if I was completely flat footed I'd be having issues. So I'm able to walk normal w/o putting too much pressure on it. Thankful I work from home and have a desk job, but I still got things to do like clean bathrooms, sweep/mop floors and run some errands. :?  Oh well. I'll just have to see how much stuff I can get done w/o it hurting.

Anyways, back to work for me! Hope y'all have a great day.

What a sweet photo!  Ouch on the foot!! I don’t know where you get all your energy, girl.  Maybe you could bottle it and sell it?  Hope your day is great and productive.  
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Re: Scrap a Day, May 2nd

Post by SandyJay »

emmapaige wrote:
Thu May 02, 2024 10:35 am
VickiR wrote:
Thu May 02, 2024 9:12 am
Finishing up some last minute details for NSD and then working outside today in my flower beds.  Have a good day everyone!

Enjoy your flower beds. I wish my hip would allow me to do that.  

When will you get your hip replaced?  I am sorry you can’t enjoy your past time. I am considering raised beds for my garden.  
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Re: Scrap a Day, May 2nd

Post by SandyJay »

MTCanuk wrote:
Thu May 02, 2024 10:37 am
I am so jealous of you gals gardening. If I don’t plant before I get my knee surgery nothing will get planted this summer. And here it is May 2 and currently snowing! I know, I know! What the heck??

And we need to drive down to Helena for a dermatology appt. Hoping the roads will co operate.

Excited for tomorrow and a weekend of scrapping!! Need to make a couple of page kits when I get home later.
Snowing??  Ugh!  Enough already!  I hope your travels are safe and uneventful.  
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Re: Scrap a Day, May 2nd

Post by SandyJay »

CarrieG wrote:
Thu May 02, 2024 11:12 am
woot woot the end is close to being over!  
I had to get a new laptop since mine died over the weekend and I'm trying to get used to this one....I hate
goal is to do some scrapping today!

have a great day ladies!

Hello Carrie!  I hope you are catching the hang of it, great that you got a new computer though.  Happy Scrappin!  
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Re: Scrap a Day, May 2nd

Post by SandyJay »

I am just sitting here icing my leg then I will get back to finishing the kitchen cleaning and start dinner.  It is a GORGEOUS spring day out today, with a cooing pigeon as my companion.   👀 Girls are at school, husband was out of town for work last night. Hopefully I will get to go visit my big fur baby at the barn this evening. 🐴  I am DYING to go out and dig and weed.   🌱  Waiting to hear from the landscaper.  I found a gut to fix the unlevel concrete around the house and hopefully that will be taken care of shortly.  House is 10 years old, so it starts.  Love my home though, especially when ACOT is just minutes away!  I hope y’all have a splendid and blessed day!   🌺. Thank you for letting me share.  
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Re: Scrap a Day, May 2nd

Post by traveler »

Mommytron wrote:
Thu May 02, 2024 2:01 pm
trainmom wrote:
Thu May 02, 2024 9:06 am
I also need to get a before picture of my scrap room, but mostly I need to get my tomatoes and flowers planted today and laundry done so I'll have no distractions tomorrow. I have a sprinkler guy coming today, we want to get the sprinkler system changed a bit so it waters both rose bushes. 
Then we are going to the Sixers playoff game tonight. It's a big game with a lot of media hype, but will be the end of their season if they don't win. Unfortunately the game starts at 9pm which is really late for me, usually the games start at 7 or 7:30. I will be having a light dinner with lots of coffee before the game. I have no idea why the TV people decided 2 east coast teams need to play at 9pm.

Have a great day everyone and looking forward to tomorrow.

Oh - and I will be posting the rules for my progressive challenge in a few hours and then step 1 later in the day. I hope everyone plays along.

Sounds like a very full day!  You will have to let us know if you are able to stay awake for the game! 
I will definitely stay awake, I’ll be in a very loud stadium and probably standing for most of it. I might fall asleep in the Uber on the way home though.

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Re: Scrap a Day, May 2nd

Post by SandyJay »

trainmom wrote:
Thu May 02, 2024 2:28 pm
Mommytron wrote:
Thu May 02, 2024 2:01 pm
trainmom wrote:
Thu May 02, 2024 9:06 am
I also need to get a before picture of my scrap room, but mostly I need to get my tomatoes and flowers planted today and laundry done so I'll have no distractions tomorrow. I have a sprinkler guy coming today, we want to get the sprinkler system changed a bit so it waters both rose bushes. 
Then we are going to the Sixers playoff game tonight. It's a big game with a lot of media hype, but will be the end of their season if they don't win. Unfortunately the game starts at 9pm which is really late for me, usually the games start at 7 or 7:30. I will be having a light dinner with lots of coffee before the game. I have no idea why the TV people decided 2 east coast teams need to play at 9pm.

Have a great day everyone and looking forward to tomorrow.

Oh - and I will be posting the rules for my progressive challenge in a few hours and then step 1 later in the day. I hope everyone plays along.

Sounds like a very full day!  You will have to let us know if you are able to stay awake for the game!  
I will definitely stay awake, I’ll be in a very loud stadium and probably standing for most of it. I might fall asleep in the Uber on the way home though. 
Have a great time!  
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Re: Scrap a Day, May 2nd

Post by GinniG »

Hi Cherries!  Popping in quickly.  Today is town day (as well as the first of the month) so I need to get moving.  Had a bad family situation come up late yesterday afternoon.  I think all will be okay but I couldn't sleep last night even with half a xanax.  So my eyelids are drooping and I'm dragging.  I'm SOOOO glad for the diversions starting tomorrow!!!

It's GORGEOUS out there today so maybe I can get some pictures.  :)  I'll try to check back in later.
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Re: Scrap a Day, May 2nd

Post by blbabe1234 »

Mommytron wrote:
Thu May 02, 2024 2:24 pm
I am just sitting here icing my leg then I will get back to finishing the kitchen cleaning and start dinner.  It is a GORGEOUS spring day out today, with a cooing pigeon as my companion.   👀 Girls are at school, husband was out of town for work last night. Hopefully I will get to go visit my big fur baby at the barn this evening. 🐴  I am DYING to go out and dig and weed.   🌱  Waiting to hear from the landscaper.  I found a gut to fix the unlevel concrete around the house and hopefully that will be taken care of shortly.  House is 10 years old, so it starts.  Love my home though, especially when ACOT is just minutes away!  I hope y’all have a splendid and blessed day!   🌺. Thank you for letting me share.  

I was just thinking about you with the surgery on your thigh. Hope you're healing up nicely. Sounds like you do have some energy with cleaning and stuff. Just be careful and don't do too much. Hope you do get to go out and see your baby! 🐎
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Re: Scrap a Day, May 2nd

Post by Jolly Holly Scraps »

Mommytron wrote:
Thu May 02, 2024 2:00 pm
JollyHollyScraps wrote:
Thu May 02, 2024 11:13 am
Hey Cherries 😊
I talked to my disability lawyer yesterday and we're just waiting for a decision from the courts. So, that's part of why I've been creating so much, maybe- keeping my mind occupied. I overthink everything all the time, and I've been trying to NOT do that anymore. Lol!
I had a blast doing a LO yesterday - I started with one idea and then couldn't find the two other pictures I was looking for so I decided to change the subject matter of the layout. I documented my love for memes instead! ☺️😂😂 It was SUPER fun! I even used some acetate again and got a lil messy on it! ☺️
OH! One MORE day!!!! I'm sooooooooooo excited!! And do I spy with my little eye a little sale?!!! 🧐 🤔 A LOT to think about today! 😂 JUST soooo excited!!!!! 😊
I still have to do my before picture, which means tidying up a tiny bit. Otherwise I suppose since the living room is okay for it to look very lived in?! 😂😅😅

Stay blessed, Cherries!
Sounds like you are putting your nervous energy to good use!  Glad you are playing with your pages, great pivot!  

I'm trying! 😉
Happy Birthday, BTW! ☺️
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Re: Scrap a Day, May 2nd

Post by blbabe1234 »

GinniG wrote:
Thu May 02, 2024 2:51 pm
Hi Cherries!  Popping in quickly.  Today is town day (as well as the first of the month) so I need to get moving.  Had a bad family situation come up late yesterday afternoon.  I think all will be okay but I couldn't sleep last night even with half a xanax.  So my eyelids are drooping and I'm dragging.  I'm SOOOO glad for the diversions starting tomorrow!!!

It's GORGEOUS out there today so maybe I can get some pictures.  :)  I'll try to check back in later.

Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Re: Scrap a Day, May 2nd

Post by Jolly Holly Scraps »

GinniG wrote:
Thu May 02, 2024 2:51 pm
Hi Cherries!  Popping in quickly.  Today is town day (as well as the first of the month) so I need to get moving.  Had a bad family situation come up late yesterday afternoon.  I think all will be okay but I couldn't sleep last night even with half a xanax.  So my eyelids are drooping and I'm dragging.  I'm SOOOO glad for the diversions starting tomorrow!!!

It's GORGEOUS out there today so maybe I can get some pictures.  :)  I'll try to check back in later.

Hugs to you!! 🫂I'm glad you're having some good weather, at LEAST! ☺️ Lol and yess, distractions starting soon! 😅
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Re: Scrap a Day, May 2nd

Post by SandyJay »

GinniG wrote:
Thu May 02, 2024 2:51 pm
Hi Cherries!  Popping in quickly.  Today is town day (as well as the first of the month) so I need to get moving.  Had a bad family situation come up late yesterday afternoon.  I think all will be okay but I couldn't sleep last night even with half a xanax.  So my eyelids are drooping and I'm dragging.  I'm SOOOO glad for the diversions starting tomorrow!!!

It's GORGEOUS out there today so maybe I can get some pictures.  :)  I'll try to check back in later.

Oh Ginni, I hope the situation resolves itself!  ((Hugs)). I also hope you get some rest tonight and can enjoy the weekend!  
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Re: Scrap a Day, May 2nd

Post by Jolly Holly Scraps »

Charleneanne wrote:
Thu May 02, 2024 12:36 pm
Morning. Nice spring day but expecting a much cooler weekend and then back to lovely weather again next week. Lol. Typical for us. Sometimes we get hot 80’s in March and sometimes low 60’s in May. lol

A friends bday so meeting her for lunch later. Felt tired/grumpy yesterday so didn’t walk last evening. But I did have a nice video chat with an old friend that I met on this board over 20 years ago. Jamie aka Mabuglet! She says hi to anyone who remembers her. lol

Looking forward to NSD. Need to clean my craft area for a before photo. It’s a mess since I was making bday cards yesterday.
Have a terrific Thursday!

Enjoy lunch with your friend, Charleneanne! ☺️ Always good to chat with friends, too! ☺️
Looking forward to NSD as well! ☺️
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Re: Scrap a Day, May 2nd

Post by Jolly Holly Scraps »

Aztam wrote:
Thu May 02, 2024 12:47 pm
Ok, I am on my way to being as prepped as I can be for NSD. Anticipating Laura (traveler’s) progressive step tonight, because I will need to get it done tonight. I am not an early bird and don’t know if I will be functioning before her time is up tomorrow! 3 hour difference in time zones really is noticeable for these challenges! I even changed the time on the printables, so I won’t miss anything.

However, my son and family are coming tomorrow for an unexpected visit. So, I may miss out on a few things. Maybe the due dates for some of the challenges are extended past the weekend as in previous years? I can’t miss an opportunity to see my grands. 

My room is so close to being completely reset. I just have a pile of sketches to go through to keep or toss. Actually, I will take them to the crop I go to later this month to see if anyone else might want them.

happy scrapping everyone

Good luck getting everything together, Tam! I think Taking the sketches to a crop is a good idea!
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Re: Scrap a Day, May 2nd

Post by emmapaige »

CarrieG wrote:
Thu May 02, 2024 11:12 am
woot woot the end is close to being over!  
I had to get a new laptop since mine died over the weekend and I'm trying to get used to this one....I hate
goal is to do some scrapping today!

have a great day ladies!

So glad you got your new laptop!
** Chris **

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Re: Scrap a Day, May 2nd

Post by emmapaige »

JollyHollyScraps wrote:
Thu May 02, 2024 11:13 am
Hey Cherries 😊
I talked to my disability lawyer yesterday and we're just waiting for a decision from the courts. So, that's part of why I've been creating so much, maybe- keeping my mind occupied. I overthink everything all the time, and I've been trying to NOT do that anymore. Lol!
I had a blast doing a LO yesterday - I started with one idea and then couldn't find the two other pictures I was looking for so I decided to change the subject matter of the layout. I documented my love for memes instead! ☺️😂😂 It was SUPER fun! I even used some acetate again and got a lil messy on it! ☺️
OH! One MORE day!!!! I'm sooooooooooo excited!! And do I spy with my little eye a little sale?!!! 🧐 🤔 A LOT to think about today! 😂 JUST soooo excited!!!!! 😊
I still have to do my before picture, which means tidying up a tiny bit. Otherwise I suppose since the living room is okay for it to look very lived in?! 😂😅😅

Stay blessed, Cherries!

I hope your court decision goes in your favor!! 
** Chris **

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